KCUCS Seminars
Equipping Doctors to bring Upper Cervical Care to the Nations

Learn From Premier Knee Chest Doctors

Sherman College of Chiropractic Boiling Springs, South Carolina Health Center, HC5.
Dec. 2nd and 3rd (Time to be announced, check back here soon)

Doctors: $395
Students: $195

Take off $25 by registering one week PRIOR to the seminar!
  • The “Medullary Lock” – Why the Upper Cervical spine is the most vital area of the body
  • “Vasomotor Dysfunction” – How does ‘pattern’ exist and why
  • What causes the ‘short leg’ and what is the mechanism
  • From a Neurological standpoint, how does Upper Cervical work help conditions far removed from the Upper Cervical spine (sciatica, ulcers, diabetes, TN, IBS, the list goes on)
  • Why did BJ call this the “Great Switch”?
  • Link between the Upper Cervical spine, medulla, the autonomic nerve system and the motor system
  • How the Immune system is controlled and directed via the nerve system, primarily the brainstem

Video of your adjusting setup analyzed by the KCUCS team (optional for you).
Learn from a combined over 100 years Knee Chest adjusting experience.


573-341-8292 (Contact Person to register: CARRIE)

Click the email address below to email Carrie about registering for the adjusting module.

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