Learn From Premier Knee Chest Doctors
Sherman College of Chiropractic Boiling Springs, South Carolina Health Center, HC5.
Dec. 2nd and 3rd (Time to be announced, check back here soon)
Doctors: $395
Students: $195
- The “Medullary Lock” – Why the Upper Cervical spine is the most vital area of the body
- “Vasomotor Dysfunction” – How does ‘pattern’ exist and why
- What causes the ‘short leg’ and what is the mechanism
- From a Neurological standpoint, how does Upper Cervical work help conditions far removed from the Upper Cervical spine (sciatica, ulcers, diabetes, TN, IBS, the list goes on)
- Why did BJ call this the “Great Switch”?
- Link between the Upper Cervical spine, medulla, the autonomic nerve system and the motor system
- How the Immune system is controlled and directed via the nerve system, primarily the brainstem
Video of your adjusting setup analyzed by the KCUCS team (optional for you).
Learn from a combined over 100 years Knee Chest adjusting experience.
573-341-8292 (Contact Person to register: CARRIE)
Click the email address below to email Carrie about registering for the adjusting module.